Thursday 28 May 2009

Drag Me To Heaven.

So, I watched Drag Me To Hell last night. Everything I hoped it would be and more. As a big Sam Raimi fan my expectations were high. Walking in hoping for many a good Evil Dead reference, gore & slapstick humour I was not dissapointed in the slightest. If anything I would say that it was more successful in performing as a horror film than Evil Dead did. While the Evil Dead triolgy had a tendency to focus on the humourous elements (which I have no quams with) DMTH this blended the two genre's seamlessly-an impressive feat by any standards. Never have I been in a film screening that has evoked such a reaction form the audiences. People were laughing one minute and screaming for their lives the next. It struck me how impressive it is to pace two completely juxtapositional emotions next to each other in such perfect harmony. Hats off to Sam and Ivan Raimi-finally found the perfect balance of their favourite genres. However,I did get really annoyed with two massive beards sitting next to me who were engaged in a stupid debate throughout the film. One going 'Why are you laughing this is horrible?' the other's equally banal retort being 'It's funny, not scary'. It went on like this for a good fourty minutes before the stupider of the two realised that there was definitely elements of comedy in the film. Unfortunately their chin-wagging didn't end there. If anything it got worse, they were laughing loudly at stuff that was nowhere near as funny as their shrill wails of laughter would denounce. Then after raucous laughter would loudly announce 'this is really funny' to each other. As if their laughter didn't suggest that? Silly beards. Pissin' me off. Beards aside-It was wicked. Christine basically turns into Bruce Campbell at the end with some crackin' one liners. A personal favourite being "Get sum". I have been avoiding revising, going to watch Bringing Up Baby tonight-Cary Grant struggling to father a baby tiger. I don't think I could ask for anything more.

1 comment:

  1. when you put beards aside, i think you'll find that EVERYTHING is wicked.

    ps. cary grant = sexcellent
